How To Enter

Please Read the Following Before Completing Your Online Entry:

Basic Entry Requirements:

Review all requirements carefully to avoid potential disqualification

The materials, programs and products/services submitted must have been developed for use by older adults and/or their families.

Complete all information requested on the entry formRequired information is noted with an asterisk*.

Only English language entries will be accepted. 

You may submit as many entries as you wish, but you must pay an entry fee for each submission. A copy of your online entry receipt will be emailed to you immediately after checkout.

Requirements for Digital Entry Categories:

Provide a single direct link (URL), to your entry. One URL per entry.

Requirements for Product, Service and Technology Entry Categories:

Judges prefer to review the actual products/services in these categories. If this is not possible, please submit a PDF or URL that clearly shows how the entry is used. Unless requested, actual products submitted may not be returned.

Send your entry to arrive no later than 4/25/25 to the address below using a shipper that can be tracked (UPS, Fedex, USPS, etc.):

2025 New Product & Technology Awards
c/o Mature Market Resource Center
328 W. Lincoln Ave.
Libertyville, IL 60048

If you want your product returned after judging, please include a return address, and a Fedex or UPS number for return shipment pre-payment. Entries will only be returned if you provide a UPS or Fedex billing number for return shipment.

Requirements for AI-Enhanced Entry Categories:

Judges prefer to review the actual products/services in these categories. If this is not possible, please submit a PDF or URL that clearly shows how the entry is used. Unless requested, actual products submitted may not be returned.

Send your entry to arrive no later than 4/25/25 to the address below using a shipper that can be tracked (UPS, Fedex, USPS, etc.):

2025 New Product & Technology Awards
c/o Mature Market Resource Center
328 W. Lincoln Ave.
Libertyville, IL 60048

If you want your product returned after judging, please include a return address, and a Fedex or UPS number for return shipment pre-payment. Entries will only be returned if you provide a UPS or Fedex billing number for return shipment.

For Student Category Entries:

Entries will be accepted in PDF or URL formats for secondary, undergraduate or graduate students and their faculty advisors who have a concept for a future product, service or technology for older adults and their families. A limited number of free entry fee waivers are available. For details on the free student entry fee waivers, and more information about the student entry category, please e-mail, or call 1-800-828-8225.

Entry Deadline: April 25, 2025

Entry Fee: $75 per entry


VISA, MasterCard and American Express are accepted. (Our Fed. Tax I.D. # 36-3559293). Checks are accepted, but entries will not be processed until payment is received.

Need a Copy of Our W-9 for Payment? Click here to download a copy of our W-9 in PDF format.

Questions About Your Entry?

Contact us:, or call 1-800-828-8225 (weekdays 9-5 Central time).

Winning entries may be used for promotional purposes.