Student Awards

There is a new student competition for the 2025 awards. Secondary, undergraduate or graduate students and their faculty advisors are invited to submit concepts for a future product, service or technology to be developed for use by older adults and/or their families. Entry concepts will be accepted in PDF or URL formats as noted on the entry form.

To submit a student entry, click “Student” for the entry Division, and then select the entry category that best matches the concept. For example, a student entry for a fall prevention device should be entered in the “Fall Prevention/Fall Detection Product/Service” category. 

Student entries will be on display at the Senior Tech Showcase exhibition in the Chicago area in early April. There are a limited number of entry fee scholarships—a $75 value—available for qualified students. For more information about the new student competition and details on the free entry scholarships, please e-mail or call1-800-828-8225.